Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... Slowly but surely at 1301 Arch Street. On Friday afternoon we went to Tranquility Tree Farm to get our tree. This was the first time in about 5 years that we had a live tree. We didn't cut our own this year but had fun , picking one out. It was snowing lightly which made it feel really like Christmas. (For all of those concerned, we tried to put a hat
and hood on Lauren and she replied, "I no wear it").

This picture is on Landon by the official Kershner tree which he has helped to decorate over the weekend.I can see us making Tranquility a yearly tradition. It was a fun place to go. Today we attended a Christmas party at a social club that we belong to; the highlight was a visit by a special guest. The kids were happy to see him. Lauren was very quiet. Landon, of course talked a mile a minute. Santa was relieved that he reminded him that we had seen him previously at the mall. Landon asked him for Geo Trax and Landon told him that Lauren would like Jessie and Bullseye from Toy Story and blocks and dolls would be ok too. (She's sure lucky to have an older brother who speaks up for her :) ) The club was very generous to the kids. Each child got a stocking with a stuffed animal, a coloring book/project, candybars, candy cane, a picture of their visit with Santa (we got two) plus a $5 bill (we again got two). Plus they had food set out. A very nice time. We will definitely be back next year for sure. Pop was disappointed that he had to be out of town, otherwise he would have joined us for the fun.
We hope everyone else is having fun getting in to the holiday spirit! We hope we will get to see most of you in the coming weeks.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Just a Quick Note

I just wanted to drop everyone a quick note to let you know that we are all ok and thankfully were NO WHERE near the South Mall when the shoot out occured earlier today. We were close by at a local Giant, saw the helicopters hoovering and were really too close to where the suspects where holed up in the apartment buildings, but thankfully we managed to miss all of the excitement. (Although Landon was fascinated to see all of the helicopters, thankfully he didn't realize the magnitude of the situation.)

I know some of you were probably worrying if you saw the national news and saw Allentown, Pa. We are all safe.

Later I will post pictures of us getting our christmas tree from the tree farm in the snow. Something much more fun!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Giving Thanks and Happy Birthday

This is a little late, but I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Luckily we got to see a lot of family over the extended holiday and to those we didn't, we are sorry we missed you!

We were very thankful that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with Grandmama and Grandpa Rockwell and Nana Messenlehner. It was great for the kids to have their great grandparents their for another holiday. I was lucky to have NUMEROUS birthday cakes. (ALL chocolate of course (Is there any other type???)) This picture is from the celebration at Pop's house and I am being assisted by Landon, Lauren and my nephew Ian to blow out the candles on my cake. Now, that I am getting, ahem, older, I apparently need more help according to the younger generation (smile). (They also thought I needed to have every single candle on my cake because I was "old" . They didn't know how old I was, just "old". Got to love kids.)

On my birthday I played hooky from work and went to a scrapbook store in Hershey where I met up with my best friend Beth. Beth and I have been friends since the beginning of time or eighth grade, whichever came first. We're as close as sisters can be without being sisters. I've introduced her to the world of scrapbooking so I had to introduce her to Times to Remember. (Plus I had a 20% off coupon good the month of my birthday and who doesn't love an excuse to shop....) We both were able to leave all of the kids at home for some serious shopping AND lunch. Heaven for moms of toddlers. After lunch Beth had to leave I still had some time so those who know me knew I couldn't pass up the chance to go one more place....

Yup. Chocolate World. Had fun doing the ride and was restrained in the marketplace. My co-workers were disappointed that I didn't bring stuff back for them. I did bring back "fresh" Kissables back for Landon as per his request. Hopefully we will take the kids back to Candylane over Christmas break.

Hope everybody had as much fun as we did over the holiday and didn't eat too much. Hope to see lots of people over Christmas.

Hugs to all


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Do Not Be Alarmed and Look who came to Dinner

Do not be alarmed if you see this young man at your house - he is just fighting fires! This is Landon's version of a fireman's outfit after his trip to the firestation. Notice the boots, hat, hood, air regulator, coat and helmet (that's too small but he won't give it up!)! He put this outfit together by himself, came into the kitchen and announced that he was off to fight a fire. I love his imagination. He constantly surprises me with what he comes up with when he's playing. Lauren is similar because she learns from Landon. We have one of the "bouncy" horses with springs that the kids can ride. Well, the other night they took trick or treat bags, pretended they were feed bags and strapped them on to the horse (both ends of the horse too). Then they proceeded to mix up food for the horse and then they "groomed" the horse. This kept them occupied for a good 30 minutes.
Tonight we hit Perkins for dinner. I found out that "Woody" from Toy Story was going to be there. We had a great time and had a nice dinner with Gram. The kids both posed for pictures (Lauren was slightly hesistant but by the end of the time she was blowing kisses goodbye and Landon of course was an old pro at posing with characters.) A bonus was that they got to get balloon masterpieces as well. Lauren got a purple puppy and Landon got a sword and hat. A nice way to spend an evening.
Until Later

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hi, Baby Cow

Happy Sunday afternoon to one and all. Hard to believe that it is nearing the end of October with this wonderful weather. This afternoon, we participated in Lehigh County Open Gate Farm. It has been going on for 35 years. Farms all over the county open their doors for tours, etc one afternoon in the fall. This is the third year that we've participated. Landon decided that we should go to a dairy farm this year. It was quite an experience. We got to get up close and personal with the cows. I was proud of both kids; neither was afraid of them. Lauren was talking a mile a minute to the baby calves. The youngest one we saw was only 6 days old. We got to go on a tour of the farm, a hay ride, see lots of John Deere tractors and get chocolate milk and sausage at the end of the tour. The farm also raises pigs. They get the pigs when they are 40 lbs raise them to 250 lbs in the span of 3 months. They want them to gain 2 lbs a day! (Then they get sold to the butcher :) It was a nice way to spend a beautiful afternoon and a neat way for the kids to learn that milk does come in other forms other than the plastic container at Giant.
Other than that we've been busy with soccer and managed to get to the zoo with Beth and Evan. Had fun seeing the animals one last time before winter. The kids were excited because they were allowed to get stuffed animals as souveniers. Landon of course got a tiger and named him Dmitri and Lauren got a Lion and Landon named him Merlin. We probably won't head back to the zoo until spring. Coming up this week is Trick or Treat! Landon is going to be the race car driver Tony Stewart and Lauren is going to be the cutest witch. I'll be sure to post pictures. We are also (weather permitting) going to the pumpkin patch with cousins Griffin and Cassidy who will be celebrating their one year birthday on the 25th! Happy Birthday guys! Looking forward to sharing some cake with you on Sunday!
Hugs to all

Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm such a dork

I forgot to post the pictures for the previous post. Sigh. Here goes.

Long time No Post

I want to apologize for not posting for awhile. Our computer crashed at the beginning of September and it took us awhile to figure out what was wrong. Then we just decided to get a new one. Then we were busy, busy, busy. We got a chance to go to Waynesboro and visit (or invade) on Uncle Dan and Aunt Betty. Aunt Sally (from South Dakota) was in with her dog Annie and Ken and their daughter Nancy came in with their dogs Molly and Ciro (sp.?). So it was quite a full house. Luckily for everyone we stayed at a local hotel. (Plus the kids loved the indoor swimming pool.)
Last weekend started off by getting all new windows put in! Yay! No more needing to use the pliers to open the windows if you closed them too much and thankfully most of the stink bugs are outside rather than inside. Then on Saturday Landon had a large cheering section at soccer where Pop, Uncle Dan, Aunt Carina, Griffin and Cassidy were able to come. Gram was at the Dickinson football game, to support Uncle Darwin, since they were playing Moravian. (Dickinson won at the last second and is undefeated in their conference Go Devils!) After that we game home took quick baths and the kids got dropped off for an overnight at Pop's house. Kurt and I got to go to the Night Lites ball at Lehigh Valley Hospital. It was quite an event. Black tie and incredible food and music. It is always fun to get dressed up.
The next morning started off early due to a previously scheduled trip to the zoo with Michelle and Brandon. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We had a great time and the kids made a new friend. The lioness is named Zenda and was down in one of the viewing areas when we went through Big Cat Falls. I honestly think Landon would stay there all day long. Lauren was happiest because she got to "feed the goat." I will remember the joy, wonder, and amazement in her voice when she said "I did it!" (She had been trying all summer and usually dropped the food before it made it's way to the goat's mouth so this was an accomplishment for her.) We have really been enjoying our membership to the zoo and hope to squeeze in one more visit in a few weeks with Beth and Evan, weather permitting.
Needless to say, I'm once again exhausted. Life is definitely good. Hope all is well with everybody.


Monday, September 3, 2007

6 Busy Days

What we've done in 6 days

  • Celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary

  • The kids and I went to the 155 edition of The Great Allentown Fair

  • Kurt and I escaped to Philadelphia (overnight Thanks Mom and Dad M for watching the kids :)) to see the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute

  • We also got to go shopping at the King of Prussia Mall and have three meals that didn't involve maccaroni and cheese or chicken nuggetts

  • We went to Chuck E Cheese (as a Family) when we got home. (A real treat)

  • Went shopping at the Shops at the Prommendae and went to dinner at Landon's favorite restaurant "Red Robin"

  • Went to Giggleberry Fair. A place that has a 3 story 6 level indoor obstacle course; the ability to vaccum up "giggleberries", the abillity to "shoot" giggleberries at people, ride a carousel unlimited times, and a place called discovery land where the kids could learn stuff when they didn't know they where learning.

  • Oh and in 6 days I took 180 pictures.

  • Here are a few favorites

  • Landon and I did make it to the top of the obstacle course (that's the picture of the two of us together). Kurt was too chicken to try. I will probably hurt tomorrow in places I don't remember I have but I sure as heck had fun.

  • I'm taking some advil and going to bed.



Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bounce U - 8/24/07

I'm really writing a bunch tonight. The house is quiet and I have some time before the craziness of the week starts. On Friday the kids and I along with one of Landon's friends went to "Bounce U". Bounce U is the place filled with inflatable structures that you can play and bounce on. The kids (and adults too) can run around like crazy people, get exercise and have fun. Well a couple of times a week they have preschool playdates. They finally opened one in Allentown and we got a chance to go. Landon was happy that they had some new structures compared to the one in Bethlehem and him and his friend Aidan had a blast. Lauren is really starting to love bouncing on things. She is a little small to climb on things with out help, but loves the slides if someone goes up with her. Her favorite response at the bottom of the slide is "Again". Enjoy the pictures! (That's Landon on the left.)

I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to Kurt. On August 29th, we will have been married for 9 years already! It hardly seems possible. So those of you who celebrated with us please take a moment on Wednesday and smile! To celebrate, my parents have agreed to watch the kids and we are going away to Philly overnight Thursday into Friday to see the King Tut exhbit at the Franklin Institute. We are looking forward to having a nice meal in a restaurant and enjoying some quiet time.

Hugs to all!


Dinner with Cookie Monster, Part 2

Just wanted to put another picture with Lauren and I in it. (I'm still figuring out this blogging thing :) ) Someday I will get her looking at the camera. I'm really happy with this picture since Landon was the photographer.!



Dinner with Cookie Monster

Yup, the tradition contiued. We had dinner with Cookie Monster. The local Pizza Hut has "kids night" on Tuesday nights and occasionally characters appear. Well, Landon has gotten really good at noticing when the big white sign appears and recognizing who is coming to Pizza Hut on Tuesday night. Last week it was Cookie Monster and since he is a fan of both kids, it was a no-brainer that that's where we would head for dinner on Tuesday. I am really lucky that we can go before the masses appear and it gets REALLY crowded. We usually can get in, get out, and get our pictures and usually before Daddy gets home, too. Over the past year, we've seen Bob the Builder, Bear in the BIg Blue House, Clifford, Diego, Boots and Shrek. (There are probably others that I'm forgetting at the moment.) It is a nice time and it's been fun seeing Lauren warm up to the characters as she's grown older. She won't go and give them hugs, (yet) but she will high five them and talk to them. WHen we saw Cookie Monster in the parking lot her first question was, was "Where's Elmo?" To which I quickly had to reply "On Sesame Street." (I'm getting quite good at translating for the character's. My favorite character was Bear in the Big Blue House because he could actually talk!).
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Friday, August 17, 2007

Catching Up

Just a quick note - and a picture of Lauren with her new do from last week. This was her stylist Charissa who was great with her.
Well we surrived the marathon of events. The birthday celebration at Sweet Memories tea room. The work picnic at Musikfest - which we ended up spending the ENTIRE day there from 11:30 am until about 6:00 pm. Great music and great food and A LOT of walking. (Musikfest is an annual 10 day festival in Bethlehem with hundreds of musical acts and tons of food and artisans. Lots of fun if anyone wants to join us next year :))Plus the family gathering the next day to celebrate my mom's, brother's and Lauren's birthday's. Whew. All of the cousins had a blast playing together. Landon at 4 1/2 is the leader of the pack. Lauren, at almost 2 is the mother figure and Griffin and Cassidy and slightly over 9 months were just happy to be in a new environment with new toys and their cousins and to have free reign of the house. Life didn't get any better than that. The celebration was great because my grandparents at 86 and 84 years old were able to join us. The older I get, the more I appreciate times like this. Someday, I hope my kids will too. Lauren got some neat presents. Favorites were a Barnes and Noble gift card, Curious George books and the Dora Back Pack (that Landon picked out for her.)
This weekend my dad is hosting a reunion of his catholic elementary school classmates and Landon was invited back from last year. (He was supposed to go for just a few hours last year, ended up staying the entire night and won over EVERYONE in the class so they invited him for this year. We (Kurt and I) invited ourselves cause my dad throws a good party.) Our child has a busier social life than we do. Then on Sunday is Lauren's actual birthday. I can't believe that my baby is turning two already. Time is really flying. We are celebrating by going to the Philadelphia Zoo. They are having a "Member Morning Stroll" which means the zoo is opening early because they are letting the triplet tiger cubs out into their exhbit for the first time. Landon is dying to see the cubs and we thought going to the zoo would be a good way to celebrate Lauren's birthday since she loves the animals too. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post a few when we get back. Hope everything is going well for everyone.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Lauren's First Haircut

Well, we bit the bullet and Lauren had her first haircut last weekend. She lasted a long time comapred to Landon. Many of you will remember that Landon has been getting haircuts since he's been 5 1/2 months old. I was kind of putting this off because haircuts with Landon haven't always been a pleasant experience. But, things had gotten bad with her. See exhibit A. I took her to a local Cost Cutters and she was a perfect angel! She was very quiet as she is in new situations and didn't hardly say a word. (I think it helped that they gave her this light up toy that fascinated her). So now we have Exhibit B.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Hot Summer Day

Ok. I'm going to try this blogging thing again. I know that we have friends and family near and far who we don't stay in touch with as much as we would like too! On Sunday we took the kids to the local community pool and had a blast. This was momentous for several reasons. One because Kurt actually went to the pool and Lauren went "swimming" in the baby pool by herself. She was really quite fearless. (The pool was only 12 inches deep) Landon had fun too. Emmaus Community pool has a large "regular" pool that starts at 3 feet and goes to 8 feet deep. Landon is now tall enough that he can stand in the three foot section! We spent several hours trying to beat the heat and having fun. This week is going to be a busy one. On Thursday, we are going to a luncheon with Grandma Rockwell, Gram (my mom), Aunt Susie, Aunt Libby, Aunt Mary, Carina and the twins to celebrate my mom's and grandma's birthday's. On Friday is my work picnic at Musikfest and Saturday is a combined birthday party for my brother, my mom and Lauren. Phew. On Sunday I think, I'll collapse! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and provided I figure out how to post them, I'll be sure to do that too.

