Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... Slowly but surely at 1301 Arch Street. On Friday afternoon we went to Tranquility Tree Farm to get our tree. This was the first time in about 5 years that we had a live tree. We didn't cut our own this year but had fun , picking one out. It was snowing lightly which made it feel really like Christmas. (For all of those concerned, we tried to put a hat
and hood on Lauren and she replied, "I no wear it").

This picture is on Landon by the official Kershner tree which he has helped to decorate over the weekend.I can see us making Tranquility a yearly tradition. It was a fun place to go. Today we attended a Christmas party at a social club that we belong to; the highlight was a visit by a special guest. The kids were happy to see him. Lauren was very quiet. Landon, of course talked a mile a minute. Santa was relieved that he reminded him that we had seen him previously at the mall. Landon asked him for Geo Trax and Landon told him that Lauren would like Jessie and Bullseye from Toy Story and blocks and dolls would be ok too. (She's sure lucky to have an older brother who speaks up for her :) ) The club was very generous to the kids. Each child got a stocking with a stuffed animal, a coloring book/project, candybars, candy cane, a picture of their visit with Santa (we got two) plus a $5 bill (we again got two). Plus they had food set out. A very nice time. We will definitely be back next year for sure. Pop was disappointed that he had to be out of town, otherwise he would have joined us for the fun.
We hope everyone else is having fun getting in to the holiday spirit! We hope we will get to see most of you in the coming weeks.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Just a Quick Note

I just wanted to drop everyone a quick note to let you know that we are all ok and thankfully were NO WHERE near the South Mall when the shoot out occured earlier today. We were close by at a local Giant, saw the helicopters hoovering and were really too close to where the suspects where holed up in the apartment buildings, but thankfully we managed to miss all of the excitement. (Although Landon was fascinated to see all of the helicopters, thankfully he didn't realize the magnitude of the situation.)

I know some of you were probably worrying if you saw the national news and saw Allentown, Pa. We are all safe.

Later I will post pictures of us getting our christmas tree from the tree farm in the snow. Something much more fun!
