and hood on Lauren and she replied, "I no wear it").
Sunday, December 9, 2007
It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas
and hood on Lauren and she replied, "I no wear it").
Friday, December 7, 2007
Just a Quick Note
I know some of you were probably worrying if you saw the national news and saw Allentown, Pa. We are all safe.
Later I will post pictures of us getting our christmas tree from the tree farm in the snow. Something much more fun!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Giving Thanks and Happy Birthday
We were very thankful that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with Grandmama and Grandpa Rockwell and Nana Messenlehner. It was great for the kids to have their great grandparents their for another holiday. I was lucky to have NUMEROUS birthday cakes. (ALL chocolate of course (Is there any other type???)) This picture is from the celebration at Pop's house and I am being assisted by Landon, Lauren and my nephew Ian to blow out the candles on my cake. Now, that I am getting, ahem, older, I apparently need more help according to the younger generation (smile). (They also thought I needed to have every single candle on my cake because I was "old" . They didn't know how old I was, just "old". Got to love kids.)
On my birthday I played hooky from work and went to a scrapbook store in Hershey where I met up with my best friend Beth. Beth and I have been friends since the beginning of time or eighth grade, whichever came first. We're as close as sisters can be without being sisters. I've introduced her to the world of scrapbooking so I had to introduce her to Times to Remember. (Plus I had a 20% off coupon good the month of my birthday and who doesn't love an excuse to shop....) We both were able to leave all of the kids at home for some serious shopping AND lunch. Heaven for moms of toddlers. After lunch Beth had to leave I still had some time so those who know me knew I couldn't pass up the chance to go one more place....
Yup. Chocolate World. Had fun doing the ride and was restrained in the marketplace. My co-workers were disappointed that I didn't bring stuff back for them. I did bring back "fresh" Kissables back for Landon as per his request. Hopefully we will take the kids back to Candylane over Christmas break.
Hope everybody had as much fun as we did over the holiday and didn't eat too much. Hope to see lots of people over Christmas.
Hugs to all
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Do Not Be Alarmed and Look who came to Dinner
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hi, Baby Cow
Monday, October 1, 2007
Long time No Post
Last weekend started off by getting all new windows put in! Yay! No more needing to use the pliers to open the windows if you closed them too much and thankfully most of the stink bugs are outside rather than inside. Then on Saturday Landon had a large cheering section at soccer where Pop, Uncle Dan, Aunt Carina, Griffin and Cassidy were able to come. Gram was at the Dickinson football game, to support Uncle Darwin, since they were playing Moravian. (Dickinson won at the last second and is undefeated in their conference Go Devils!) After that we game home took quick baths and the kids got dropped off for an overnight at Pop's house. Kurt and I got to go to the Night Lites ball at Lehigh Valley Hospital. It was quite an event. Black tie and incredible food and music. It is always fun to get dressed up.
The next morning started off early due to a previously scheduled trip to the zoo with Michelle and Brandon. We couldn't have asked for better weather. We had a great time and the kids made a new friend. The lioness is named Zenda and was down in one of the viewing areas when we went through Big Cat Falls. I honestly think Landon would stay there all day long. Lauren was happiest because she got to "feed the goat." I will remember the joy, wonder, and amazement in her voice when she said "I did it!" (She had been trying all summer and usually dropped the food before it made it's way to the goat's mouth so this was an accomplishment for her.) We have really been enjoying our membership to the zoo and hope to squeeze in one more visit in a few weeks with Beth and Evan, weather permitting.
Needless to say, I'm once again exhausted. Life is definitely good. Hope all is well with everybody.
Monday, September 3, 2007
6 Busy Days

- Celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary
- The kids and I went to the 155 edition of The Great Allentown Fair
- Kurt and I escaped to Philadelphia (overnight Thanks Mom and Dad M for watching the kids :)) to see the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute
- We also got to go shopping at the King of Prussia Mall and have three meals that didn't involve maccaroni and cheese or chicken nuggetts
- We went to Chuck E Cheese (as a Family) when we got home. (A real treat)
- Went shopping at the Shops at the Prommendae and went to dinner at Landon's favorite restaurant "Red Robin"
- Went to Giggleberry Fair. A place that has a 3 story 6 level indoor obstacle course; the ability to vaccum up "giggleberries", the abillity to "shoot" giggleberries at people, ride a carousel unlimited times, and a place called discovery land where the kids could learn stuff when they didn't know they where learning.
- Oh and in 6 days I took 180 pictures.
- Here are a few favorites
- Landon and I did make it to the top of the obstacle course (that's the picture of the two of us together). Kurt was too chicken to try. I will probably hurt tomorrow in places I don't remember I have but I sure as heck had fun.
- I'm taking some advil and going to bed.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Bounce U - 8/24/07

Hugs to all!
Dinner with Cookie Monster, Part 2
Dinner with Cookie Monster

Friday, August 17, 2007
Catching Up

Friday, August 10, 2007
Lauren's First Haircut

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hot Summer Day