I'm really writing a bunch tonight. The house is quiet and I have some time before the craziness of the week starts. On Friday the kids and I along with one of Landon's friends went to "Bounce U". Bounce U is the place filled with inflatable structures that you can play and bounce on. The kids (and adults too) can run around like crazy people, get exercise and have fun. Well a couple of times a week they have preschool playdates. They finally opened one in Allentown and we got a chance to go. Landon was happy that they had some new structures compared to the one in Bethlehem and him and his friend Aidan had a blast. Lauren is really starting to love bouncing on things. She is a little small to climb on things with out help, but loves the slides if someone goes up with her. Her favorite response at the bottom of the slide is "Again". Enjoy the pictures! (That's Landon on the left.)
I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to Kurt. On August 29th, we will have been married for 9 years already! It hardly seems possible. So those of you who celebrated with us please take a moment on Wednesday and smile! To celebrate, my parents have agreed to watch the kids and we are going away to Philly overnight Thursday into Friday to see the King Tut exhbit at the Franklin Institute. We are looking forward to having a nice meal in a restaurant and enjoying some quiet time.
Hugs to all!
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